World Wide Art 1


Square Dance and Line Dance : Square dancing and linedancing are sometimes thought of as orginating from the Wild West. The Line dance is a formation dance in which a group of people dance in one or more lines. There are several variations to the parallel linesset-up. There may,for example, be two sets of lines where the dancers face each other directly.

Although Square Danceand Line Dance are not so famous here, sometimes people dance them when celebrating American Independence Day, or at Western Festivals where English major students do these dance.


Ballet : Is ballet a tradittonal art? Not now maybe, but , yes, it was. It all stared in Itally in the 15 th Century. The earliest introduction to ballet was luxurious entertainments given in the courts of Renaissance Italy.

The Italian court ballets were further (The Queen's BalletComedy), the first ballet of which a complete score survived, was performed in Paris in 1581.

Referensi : C' N 'S Magazine

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