Laught It Up 2

Famous Hilarious

Meet sir Arthur conan Doyle, British writer, creator of the worldpfamous detective, Sherlock Holmes with his power of dedukatif . Mr.Doyle’s got a funny story to share. Then get acquainted with Albert Einsten. The genius , too, has a giggly tale to tell you. So, enjoy.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Taxi Driver

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is waiting at a taxi pluxi stand outside the raiilway station in Paris. When a taxi pull’s up, he puts his suitcase in the front seat and gets in the back. As he is about to tell the taxi driver where he wants to go, the driver asks him,” Where ca I take you, Mr. Doyle?”. Doyle is flabbergasted. He asks the driver whether he knows him by sight. The driver say, “ No, sir, I have never seen you before.” The puzzled Doyle asks him what makes him think that he is Conan Dyle. The driver replies, “This morning’s paper had a story about you being on vacation in Marseillles. This is the taxi stand where people return from Marseillles always come to.Your skin color tells me you have been on vacation. The ink-spot on your right index finger suggests to me taht you are a writer. You clothing is very English, and not french. Adding up all those pieces of information, I deduce that you are sir Arthur Conan Doyle”.Doyle say, “ This is a truly amazing deducaton. You are a real life counter- part to my fictional creation, Sherlock Holmes”. “There is one one other thing,” the driver says. “ What is that?” Doyle asks. “You name,” the driver replies,”is on the front of your suitcase.”

Referensi : C and S Magazine

Tanggal : 31 Desember 2009

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